Monday, April 12, 2010

Tom Cruise.....for real??

SB episode 2:
I was totally poundin this steak with my girlfriend at Applebee's, and I says to myself, "Why should I have to pay for somethin than somebody was gonna eat anyway?" That thought to myself was quite the epiphany. I mean, really, someone is gonna have to eat it or throw it away, so why should I have to pay! My girlie thought I'ze the smartest. So we started mackin heavy until the windows in the house fogged up. Next think I know, bam! Hickie on my eyeball! Man, 'bout sucked my ball right out! So, that's why I'ze sportin new shades, ya know. While I'ze crusin in my new shades, I remembered all that mucus that was a brewin while we'z mackin. I think she's carryin some crazy monkey virus! So I'ze paruzin the local rx shop for drugs, when I realized, I gots no ching ching! Howz I gonna pay for it? The cool thang is that I can totally read dos drugs names. I learnin lots at school deez days! Gonna be a genius SB, I no it.
sunglasses.jpg image by Evilredhead144